Auriculo 360 Student Offer

We were students once too!

Hey, we get it! As a student you need to use the best reference tools, but you don't have a practice or the income to support the costs!

We want to support you while you're in school, and honestly, we know it means you'll be a life-long friend and customer, so it's a win-win.

Available for full-time students in collegiate or similar academic studies, we now have an option to get started with Auriculo 360 for only $1.50 per month for the first 6 months. That's cheaper than any books, classes, or even a monthly visit to the campus coffee shop!

After the first 6 months, it's only $14.99 per month for access to the best Auriculotherapy software in the world. Use it to learn the points and protocols, practice on friends and family, and then use it to build your practice as you grow into the professional practitioner you are destined to become!

To get started with with offer, please fill out the form below and we will walk you through the fast and easy verification process.

Just a heads up: You will need to provide a photo or a scan of your currently valid Student ID, so if you don't have one, you're probably not going to quality for this student offer.

Get Started Now:

Student Information

Please enter your name.

This field is required

Please enter your email address. We will use this as the main contact point for this process.

This field is required

Please enter your phone number.

This field is required


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School Information

Please enter the school name.

This field is required

Please enter the degree or license you expect to obtain.

This field is required
Expected Graduation Date

This field is required


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Upload a photo of your student ID

The last step of the verification process requires you to upload a photo or scan of your currently valid student ID. To do this, simply press "Submit" below, then check your email. You should momentarily see an email with the subject Auriculo 360 Student Verification.

Simply press "Reply" on that email and attach the image of your student ID to the email and send it to us. We will provide additional instructions from that point via email.

Auriculo 360 Student Verification

Name: {{name}}
Email: {{email}}
Telephone: {{telephone}}

School Information

School: {{school}}
Studies: {{degree}}
Expected Graduation: {{graddate}}

School ID

To complete the verificaiton process, please hit "Reply" on this email and attach a photo of your currently valid Student ID. Once the image is attached, please send the email with this original message intact.

Upon receipt of the Student ID, we will send another message with Auriculo 360 Software Registration instructions that will allow you to setup your Auriculo 360 student account. Please watch for that email and proceed with the registration process.

This validation process may take a few minutes, please be patient and check your email for additional instructions.

Thank you for your interest in Auriculotherapy and the Auriculo 360 Software!

The Miridia Acupuncture Technology Team

Press Submit to Continue
